Statistics from 2012 showed that a majority of Canadian adults in their sixties took more than 5 medications daily and 40% of those over 85 took ten or more! Not only is this a huge potential risk for seniors but also resulting problems from polypharmacy represent an economic toll on our health care system and [read more…]
Recognizing Dementia and Changes
As family members watch a loved one age, it is easy to be confused into not recognizing how fragile or precarious that person’s condition may be. This month, Elder Voice helps you understand how to assess what you are seeing. Elsie was two weeks shy of 95 when her daughter, Marie, came to see us, [read more…]
Undoing Aloneness: Caring for Caregivers
Many of us know someone–a friend, a colleague, a client or a customer– who is a caregiver. We might see their stress and worry and want to help, but feel uncomfortable and not know what to do or say. This month Elder Voice focuses on how we can care for the caregivers in our lives. [read more…]
Facing Care: The Experience of LGBT People
Anyone growing old may face the dilemma of having to access and depend on caregivers or specialized seniors services or housing communities. For Lesbians, Gay men, Bisexuals and Transgender (LGBT) there are some unique challenges. This month, Elder Voice focuses on older LGBT people as they access care and services. One of the primary problems [read more…]
Spouses and Caregiving
As we came into the building, we saw them standing at the elevator. She turned to her husband and starting yelling, “No, you press the up button! I explained that to you a million times.” She slammed the button and turned away from him. Her shoulders began to shake, her hands went to her face, [read more…]
Caregivers as CEO: Ten Tips From The Boardroom
Even though it is often done often out of love, caregiving is very much like a job. Similar to any job in the “working world,” it comes with a set of tasks, responsibilities, time pressures, and requirements. But a caregiver is less like an employee and more like the head of the company. This month [read more…]
Managing Caregiver Stress Breathing, Relaxation, Meditation, Mindfulness
In our experience, stress is one the most common caregiver concerns. It is a critical issue because unmanaged stress puts you at risk for burnout. Common “care for the caregiver” advice usually includes exercise, good nutrition, maintaining social life, asking for help, and setting limits. While these are important, we think three other techniques are [read more…]
When You Are a Sole Caregiver
Caregiving for a loved one over a long period of time can be challenging. It is even more so when you are on your own. This month, Elder Voice focuses on issues around being a sole caregiver. Sole caregivers often tell us that they have a feeling of aloneness. Even when they have a good [read more…]
Getting Past No: When A Loved One Says “I don’t need help.”
One of the most common problems we hear about from caregivers is that their loved one, often parents, will not accept any outside help, despite the fact that they are clearly having trouble with personal care or household tasks, are sick or frail and possibly at risk, or lonely. They may not be willing to [read more…]
Who Does What in Eldercare
Eldercare can seem like a maze for Seniors, family members, and caregivers when they need help. It is difficult to understand the different roles and skills of the people who provide care to seniors. This month Elder Voice describes who does what and who will give you the help you need. To start with a [read more…]