It is no wonder there is confusion around executors, estates and probate. No one wants to consider their own demise so discussions tend to be avoided. Death, however, is a certainty, and with this in mind you need the basics in place to protect your loved ones. This month, Elder Voice has invited Gregg Medwid, [read more…]
Employee Benefits for Caregivers
Employee benefits evolve and change over time to meet changing demographics and work environments and culture. The demographics for working caregivers of Seniors has changed and will continue to do so, but benefits have not generally followed to track those changes and respond appropriately. There are benefits available, but they are minimal. In 2002, 23% [read more…]
Wheelchairs: What To Know Before You Buy
This month Elder Voice welcomes guest writer, Barbara Purdy, Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist I often see people in poorly fitted wheelchairs, sitting for hours, slumped over in pain and discomfort and unable to correct their own positions. They may have slid forwards, a sign of that discomfort, as they tried to find a more comfortable [read more…]
Choosing Seniors Housing
Headliner: New Rates For Nursing Homes On October 8th, the Minster of Health announced new rates for residential care, beginning in January, 2010. While they emphasized that some rates will go down, those paying the higher rates will be paying close to 25% more. Rates will now range from $29.40 up to $96.40 per day. [read more…]
Financial Risk and Vulnerability of Seniors
85 year old Miss X was contact by a man claiming to be from her bank. He asked for her help in catching someone who was trying to defraud the bank. Miss X agreed to meet him and gave him $3,000. Her niece contacted us shortly thereafter. Mrs. Y lives in a nursing home. She [read more…]