Recent news reports of seniors being inappropriately discharged from a hospital emergency ward to their homes in the middle of the night outrage the public and frighten any family member with an older relative who lives alone. This month Elder Voice has three articles which focus on Seniors in the emergency ward. Our first article [read more…]
An Introduction to Executors and Probate
It is no wonder there is confusion around executors, estates and probate. No one wants to consider their own demise so discussions tend to be avoided. Death, however, is a certainty, and with this in mind you need the basics in place to protect your loved ones. This month, Elder Voice has invited Gregg Medwid, [read more…]
The Rights of Older People
Recently we did a workshop/seminar for several local churches. During the question period one of the women raised her hand and said, “When I went to my doctor a few months ago with pain in my leg, he said it was just part of getting old and nothing could be done about it. He wouldn’t [read more…]
Representation Agreements: Insurance and Peace of Mind
One never knows…. Who will make decisions for you if you cannot make them for yourself? How will they make those decisions? Would they make the decisions that you would have made if you had the chance? If your parent or spouse were to become unable to make decisions for themselves, would you be legally [read more…]