Statistics from 2012 showed that a majority of Canadian adults in their sixties took more than 5 medications daily and 40% of those over 85 took ten or more! Not only is this a huge potential risk for seniors but also resulting problems from polypharmacy represent an economic toll on our health care system and [read more…]
Medications and Behaviour
One of the fears caregivers often have about placing a loved one in a Nursing Home is that the home will “drug” them to keep them placid and manageable. While it is true that there are often situations when medication is prescribed to control an elderly person’s behaviour, both in a Nursing Home and in [read more…]
Checklist For Care: Seniors and Medications
Over-medication and mis-medication are serious problems for older people. One study found that as much as 50% of all medication used by seniors is used inappropriately. Caregivers and professionals who are involved with older people need to be aware of the reasons this occurs and the symptoms which indicate there is a problem with medications. [read more…]