Necessary Policies to Protect Seniors In our March issue of Elder Voice, we discussed the issue of decisions being made about end of life without the input of the person or their family. In this issue, we follow up with a recommendation for policies at both government and an institutional levels which would help to [read more…]
Palliative Care
The Right To Live
As the implementation of a national Canadian policy on assisted dying approaches, we increasingly read articles and hear on the news discussion about the right to die. This month Elder Voice focuses on another aspect of the question: the right of someone to live and how that decision is made. Several years ago we walked [read more…]
Palliative and Hospice Care: How They Can Help
Palliative and hospice care services can make a dramatic difference in the quality of life of someone who is dying or has a life threatening illness. It also provides valuable support to families and caregivers. This month Elder Voice talks about palliative care and hospice care. The terms palliative care, hospice care, or palliative hospice [read more…]